Sustainable Fishing & Seafood Handling Awareness Program

Sustainable Fishing & Seafood Handling Awareness Program

As our ocean grapples with escalating challenges stemming from overfishing and environmental degradation, it is imperative to adopt responsible measures to safeguard marine ecosystems while ensuring a sustainable seafood supply for future generations. Therefore, DBC-1 Project hosted a one-day Awareness Session dedicated to promoting Sustainable Fishing and Seafood Handling practices.


The Awareness Session was designed to enlighten fishermen about the significance of sustainable fishing practices and responsible seafood handling. At IDC, we firmly believe that by enhancing awareness and fostering a deeper understanding of these pivotal subjects, we can collaboratively cultivate and institutionalize sustainable fishing practices which will contribute to a flourishing seafood industry in the country.


Esteemed Fisheries expert of LUAMS delivered insightful presentations on sustainable fishing techniques, underscored the importance of responsible seafood sourcing, and elucidated the ramifications of our choices on marine ecosystems. Additionally, participants engaged in hands-on demonstrations and workshops elucidating proper seafood handling methodologies, encompassing cleaning, storage, and preparation techniques aimed at minimizing waste and preserving quality.


The Project is steadfastly committed to equipping individuals and communities with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions that benefit both our planet and the seafood industry. Let us unite in making a tangible difference, ensuring that forthcoming generations can relish the ocean’s bounty while safeguarding its vitality for posterity.