Safe Drinking Water

Improving & Building On Existing Infrastructure

The project has invested and partnered with local communities in the below locations to provide clean drinking water, which most community members identified as the number on need to improve their living standards.

The management and operation of these Reverse Osmosis Plants is being overseen by Indus Delta Capital in partnership with elected members from local villages through village development committees.

Previously, these facilities had been left dormant and in a state of disrepair due to bad governance, a lack of investment and poor management and neglect.

At full capacity these plants, which process the brackish groundwater, can supply clean drinking water for more than 50,000 people per day.

Ahmed Dablo

A reverse osmosis plant in the village of Ahmed Dablo in the district of Thatta. Running hours per day: 2 hours, Capacity: 10,0000 Gallons Per Day (GPD), Number of people served: 6,313.

Haji Pandhi Jatt Goth

The RO plant in Haji Pandhi Jatt Goth village, alongside the coastal highway in Thatta. Running hours/day: 12hrs, Capacity: 7,000 GPD, Number of people served: 2,651.

Haji Wario Jatt

Haji Warayo is located along the of coastal line of Shah Bander in Sujawal. Running hours/day: 8hrs, Capacity: 10,0000GPD, Number of people served: 25,252.

Keti Bander

Keti-Bandar plant. Running hours/day: 8 hrs, Capacity: 10,0000GPD, Number of people served: 25,252.

Muhammad Khan Jatt Goth

A reverse osmosis plant in Muhammad Khan Jatt Goth, located along Keti Bunder highway in UC Mohal, district Thatta. Running hours/day: 3 hrs, Capacity:10,0000 GPD, Number of people served: 9,469.


A reverse osmosis along coastal highway in Peerabad. Running hours/day: 8hrs, Capacity:10,0000 GPD, Number of people served: 25,252.